So here we are staring the New Year in its face. I feel 2012 will be a good year, filled of new projects and witnessing some success of old ones. I look forward to all the possibilities that another year brings! I have the usual resolutions, like lose a few pounds, exercise more, eat better food and partake in random acts of kindness. These may all be standard for most folks, unless you believe in the Mayan calendar then just party like its 1999!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Welcoming the New Year 2012!
So here we are staring the New Year in its face. I feel 2012 will be a good year, filled of new projects and witnessing some success of old ones. I look forward to all the possibilities that another year brings! I have the usual resolutions, like lose a few pounds, exercise more, eat better food and partake in random acts of kindness. These may all be standard for most folks, unless you believe in the Mayan calendar then just party like its 1999!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sit Ozzie ...Please!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Finally Friday and the Eve of the Eve
Time is a wasting as I still have loose ends in my shopping to tie up! This holiday scene comes and goes so fast! Ozzie is anticipating more goodies to eat though I have to keep a better eye on him. He seems to dabble in foods that he shouldn't at holiday gatherings.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Down Wind Wednesday
I think Ozzie is feeling a bit better today. Though I feel the chicken and rice diet along with the Pepcid has created a new problem. Ozzie is a bit constipated and has really awful gas. Not that having gas is unusual for bulldogs. They are prolific producers of farts. This bout of gas is exceptional and constant.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Seasonal Tummy Woes for the Oz
The holiday season has kicked off with a bang or should I say with a yak! "Yak" as in throwing up! Ozzie was apparently the victim of some" not meant for dogs" holiday food or a good ole stomach virus since last night!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Finally Friday and Ain't Gonna Wear It!
It's already the 16th and I still have a lot of Christmas shopping still staring me in the face. I don't know what happens to me when I get into a mall. My head empties of any thoughts of presents for friends and family and I end up shopping for myself. Not very productive for the holidays I know!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Lunch Break
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Safe and Jolly for the Holidays
Friday, December 9, 2011
Finally Friday and a Shopping We Will Go!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
A Clean Start
Monday, December 5, 2011
Santa and Ozzie

Friday, December 2, 2011
Finally Friday and Lets Get Shopping!
So we are in full swing for the Christmas season! The tree is lit in Rockefeller Center and the race is on for completing ones holiday shopping. I have found Christmas cards with English Bulldog puppies on the front that are ador-a-bull. They were only $5.00 for a box of 18 cards at Target! Such a buy! Now if I could only write them out and mail them!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The New and Improved Bulldog?
There was an article about English Bulldogs in a recent edition of the New York Times. It discussed the breeds pitfalls and how there is an effort underway to bring about serious changes in the bulldog. They do have a plethora of health problems ranging from respiratory to skin infections to eye ailments etc etc! I am all for improving the genetics of the breed. It would make for a healthier dog and would result in less suffering for the animal and its owner. Some say it would take away the cuteness factor. I don't think so, as long as they have the same loving temperament I could live with the physical changes.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cyber Bulldog Monday
Friday, November 25, 2011
Finally Black Friday
Ozzie is snoring away this morning, still sleeping off his turkey hangover I suppose! He was fed tempting holiday morsels from guests yesterday and mostly from Uncle Freddie, so today I think its back to dog food exclusively!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Count down to T-Day! I suspect a lot of folks have last minute rushing around to either get ready for Thanksgiving dinner or travel to grandma's house. I tried to get Ozzie into the holiday spirit with a turkey hat I bought from the Christmas Store but he really wasn't digging it at all! "Give me the real stuff, not some dumb turkey hat!" he protested.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Bull Dog Therapy
I usually post on Mondays but I came down with a lousy cold and was somewhat incapacitated yesterday. I went to the doctor who confirmed that my throat was a rosy red and told me to buy some over the counter medication. For a thirty dollar copay I wish I had gotten a little more help than that! I went home after the doctors and decided to lay down for a little while. As soon as I got on the couch, Ozzie decided to join me. There we snoozed away and when I got up I must say I felt a little better. I will contribute it to bulldog therapy.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Finally Friday and So Long Regis!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Eat or not to Eat!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thanksgiving Treat for Your Pup
Friday, November 11, 2011
Finally Friday and Happy Veterans Day!

Another week has flown by and here we are. We have no particular plans for the weekend which is sometimes a good thing (like Martha would say) Maybe I will finally get to making those Pumpkin doggie cookies!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Catch That Labrador!
Phew! What a very exciting morning in the neighborhood! I had noticed a lot of commotion outside in front of our house as I sat at my desk. I then saw kids chasing after something down the street. It was a big brown lab galloping along Cleveland Ave! As the kids left for school the dog made his mad escape out the front door! I went outside to see what I could do. With doggie treat in hand I made my way towards the wily young pup. I approached him slowly and he ran to me. Yikes this dog was big at least 90 pounds and jumped up at me in uncontrollable, slobbering puppy like enthusiasm! I managed to hang onto his collar as a neighbor of mine lured him with her unwilling beagle who was just trying to do his business. He followed her for several steps than took off in the other direction towards the Boulevard! I ran home to get my car keys to follow the runaway pooch. As I circled the block I saw the kids and they pointed down the block. I went to the main street hoping not to find a doggy disaster when I saw a police car. I pulled up to him and excitedly told him about the wandering Lab. Then I noticed him sitting in the back seat of the car. The cop was way ahead of me and was on his way to return him to his owner.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Messy Monday and Poo on my Shoe
Friday, November 4, 2011
Finally Friday and Turn it Back!
Ozzie is looking forward to a relaxing weekend, (what weekend is not relaxing?). The weather this time around should be wonderful! No snowstorms in our forecast! The Northeast is still recovering from last Saturday's storm which brought down thousands of branches and trees along with that many electrical wires! Some folks still patiently wait for their power to be restored while power companies work around the clock to get things back to normal. Most people have furnaces that require electric to operate them so that means no heat for them as well! We were lucky and only experienced a momentary dimming of our power.
Tips when purchasing food
Buy packaged pig ears, avoid bulk bins
Do not buy food with damaged packaging
Store pet foods in cool dry place under 80 degrees
Save original packing material for label and date codes
Avoid raw food diets
How to avoid illness
Prepare pet food away from human prep or bathroom areas
Wash hands after feeding pets
Discourage at risk individuals from preparing pet food (small children, elderly, immunocompromised)
Disinfect pet bowls regularly
Ozzie wants to rent a movie this weekend and he is thinking of Turner and Hooch which is a pretty good choice. I haven't seen it in a long time and Ozzie will probably like it, though I have a feeling he has seen it before. Whatever movie you watch over the weekend, enjoy and don't forget to turn back your clocks one hour Saturday night before you go to bed!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
King of the Couch
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Howl-o-Ween!
We are starting off our day with snow covered ground and freezing temps. No it's not Christmas time but Halloween! Who would of thought we would get 5 inches of snow the weekend before Halloween? The trees have barely changed color and now they have been assaulted by wind and snow, the likes of mid-January! Many trees in our neighborhood have broken branches from the weight of the snow on the leafed limbs! That has also resulted in power outages all over. We were lucky enough to of been spared unlike some of our neighbors who have no power until at least Wednesday of this week!
- Keep pets safely inside, away from trick-or-treaters and other Halloween activities to ensure they don't become frightened or feel threatened at the sight of noisy, costumed children
- Cats, especially black ones, may be the target of pranksters. Black cat owners are advised to keep their cats safely indoors during the Halloween season
- Frequently opened doors provide a perfect opportunity for escape, which can go unnoticed during all the commotion. Consider keeping your cat in a separate room with the door closed. For dogs, preventing access to the door can be as simple as keeping them attached to a leash, putting them in crates or confining them to another room with baby gates. Be sure all pets wear collars with ID tags in case of accidental escape. Of course, microchipping your pet is the best way to ensure your pet's return should he escape
- Keep candy out of your pet's reach. Candy can be harmful to pets and chocolate is toxic and potentially life-threatening to cats, dogs and ferrets
- Keep pets away from decorations. Flames in jack-o-lanterns and candles can quickly singe, burn or set fire to a pet's fur. Pets can become tangled in hanging decorations like streamers and can choke on some decorations if they chew on them
- Resist the urge to put your furry friend in a costume. Most pets dislike the confinement of costumes and masks. A printed bandanna or fun collar can be just as cute and often more comfortable for your pet
- Don't bring the family dog along for trick-or-treating. Dogs may become difficult to handle during the noise and confusion of the festivities. A lost dog bite will quickly end your Halloween fun
Friday, October 28, 2011
Finally Friday and Let it Snow?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Smile and Say Cheese...Then Eat It!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Flea is a Crowd - Mike Rowe, Chuck and a Flea
- Adult fleas represent just 5% of the flea festation-the other 95% are the egss, maggot like larve and pupae hiding in your home. (Yuck)
- A female flea can lay 50 eggs every day-as many as 2000 eggs in her two to three month life cycle. (busy little fleas aren't they?)
- Larvae are repelled by light and burrow into the carpet, fabric, cracks and crevices (Ewwh)