Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcoming the New Year 2012!

So here we are staring the New Year in its face. I feel 2012 will be a good year, filled of new projects and witnessing some success of old ones. I look forward to all the possibilities that another year brings! I have the usual resolutions, like lose a few pounds, exercise more, eat better food and partake in random acts of kindness. These may all be standard for most folks, unless you believe in the Mayan calendar then just party like its 1999!

Ozzie has a few New Years resolutions of his own. He will try to eat only the best food for his own personal diet and stay away from pizza crust and Moo Goo Gai Pan! More exercise like activity is on the agenda for him as well but who is to say that hopping up on the couch is not exercise! Of course he is resolute in taking more power naps to sharpen his canine brain. He happens to be working on that right now!

We hope that you all find some resolutions that you can keep like Ozzie and have a healthy, happy wonderful New Year!

Here is an insightful article on 13 New Year's resolutions for dog owners from

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