We are all anticipating the new year and with that brings the resolutions that go with it. Like most folks, Ozzie's number one resolution for 2011 is to lose weight! Yes the daunting task of taming his taste buds seems next to impossible. We may be willing to try a medication that the vet has suggested. It's a diet pill for dogs sort of. It some how triggers some receptors in the small intestine that sends signals to the brain that they are full. I just hope they are pretty strong signals! Ozzie hasn't gained more weight this year but he hasn't lost any so we need to try something different! Ozzie is staying home with Grandpa tonight to ring in the New Year. We are going out to eat at an Argentine steakhouse with some friends. They make the most delicious skirt steak. We should bring some home in a doggie bag for Ozzie. Oops there I go again. Well maybe this will be his last treat before we start the diet thing! Looking forward to 2011 and wishing all a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year!