Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Working it!

It is going to be a chore to get Ozzie to lose some tonnage! He really detests to walk and he really loves to eat! We have tried nonfat plain yogurt to nonfat cottage cheese to only the whites of his morning hard boiled egg! He does manage to get anything that hits the floor food or otherwise. However he seems to have a penchant for paper which probably is zero points according to Weight Watchers! We saw that he was unusually rambunctious tonight so we decided to try going for a walk. We went down the cross streets which are shorter blocks for his sake. He begrudgingly waddled along for a bit and then the smells of an impending rainstorm and dog urine got him going! As we got to end of the third block we feared that he we would have to carry him back or call a cab! Luckily a terrier came along and then a pug which enticed him to follow along leading us back to the house! He has been sucking wind for the last 30 minutes but I think it's a good start to a slimmer Ozzie!

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