Monday, February 21, 2011

Meatless Monday!

To eat meat or not to eat meat....that is the question. I have often toyed with the idea of of going vegetarian. I could do without hamburgers. I have taken a liking to the veggie version. I was never a big fan of ribs or pork chops but I do have a liking for the cured meats like salami and prosciutto. Ah, and the smell of sausage and peppers on the grill...yum! Yes it would be a challenge. That is why I think this
meatless Monday movement is a good thing. It encourages you to go just one day a week without meat. It's goal is to get Americans to reduce their meat consumption by 15 %, thus improving their personal health and the health of the planet. Needless to say Ozzie is not to thrilled with the whole idea. Not that he doesn't enjoy some vegetables and fruits now and then but naturally being a dog does involve a certain amount of meat eating. I have to plan my menu for the day. Maybe a mac and cheese dish with broccoli for dinner?! Ozzie suggested hot dogs. I had to explain to him that they are made of meat. Well maybe more a meat like substance! Frankly I don't know what most franks are made of and I rather not know! Here is to the challenge of meatless Mondays for the humans! Ozzie thinks he will stick to his protein of choice. "Pass the kibble please!"


  1. Alpha Mom is a vegetabletarian. Blog Mom and Daddy are not but they almost always have two or three days a week where they don't eat meat just because they're eating something else instead. It would be really hard to extend that to me, Lola, however, because I don't do veggies of any kind.

  2. Zoe's Mom & Dad are both vegetarians. Try the Yves Veggie Dogs or any Gardein product...they are all great! Zoe eats everything & anything; I caught her eating a package of instant blueberries and cream oatmeal the other day without water; all that was left was the paper wrapper :( and drinking a lot of water afterwards.
