I hate to focus so much on the weather with each post but it has been a big part of life lately. This winter has brought us much snow and aggravation so its hard not to discuss it! Today I had a glimmer of hope! Even though we are suppose to get 2 inches of rain and 60 mph wind gusts later on I saw something that was like a beacon of light in a storm! It was a Robin red breast! She was hoping around my front yard pecking up morsels of something she deemed snack worthy while dodging the mounds of left over dirty snow (snirt). I have a grainy picture I took through the window as proof I wasn't imaging it or drinking bloody Mary's in the morning!
I have to get ready we are leaving today to go up north to yes you guessed it ski! I hate to leave the Oz even though it's just for a short weekend! Grandpa takes good care of him but its not the same as his mom! Just between you and me I think he doesn't clean his wrinkles even though he says he does! Though he never changed diapers when we were kids so I don't expect too much from him in terms of wrinkle patrol!
Hope you all have a safe weekend and look out for that Robin, she is out there!