Another week has passed us by. The Summer doesn't last long enough as far as I am concerned. Although its been a hot one I never complain about the heat! I constantly remind myself about the ice and snow that hangs around for months like a bad rash. Any how, Ozzie will be turning 3 years old on Saturday! We have the birthday bully boy's agenda all set. In the morning we will take him to the Bark Park. He is good there for about an half hour. Ultimately he gets bored and will stand by the gate indicating he has had enough of the canine gathering. Then it will be off to Wholistic Paws (see link below) where he will get his choice of bully sticks or any other divine doggie treats they have there. On the menu for his birthday dinner there will be a grilled steak done to his liking. In the evening we will watch Turner and Hooch one of Ozzie's favorite movies and then a little ice cream is in order. Sounds good to me. I will let you know tomorrow what Ozzie thinks of his birthday agenda!