Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Oz-mania Wednesday
Monday, February 27, 2012
Oscars in Review
Wake me up when its over!
I stayed up with the Oz to watch the Oscars last night! Billy Crystal was entertaining and a great host. The film The Artist was the big winner as predicted and it was good to see Christopher Plummer at 82 win best supporting actor. Jean DuJardin the first French man to win an Oscar was an enthusiastic winner and Meryl Streep definitely one of finest actors of our time took the award for best actress for her role portraying Margaret Thatcher in the Iron Lady. Not to fail to mention Octavia Spencers emotional/funny acceptance for best supporting actress in The Help. Ozzie could barely stay awake through the show and his only comment was "What's up with J Lo's dress?" Yes Ozzie its more like whats down!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Finally Friday and Here is Oscar!

With a big Oscar weekend celebration on the horizon Ozzie looks forward to the 84th Annual presentation of the Oscars. There is room on this year's Kodak Theater stage for more than just the usual human movie stars. There are rumors about Uggie the Jack Russell Terrier presenting if not winning an award on Oscar night. He has won nods from those in the academy after his performance in the Oscar contending picture The Artist. Uggie has already scored a Golden Collar award in 2011 for his performance. Then not to be unmentioned is Blackie the Doberman who had a feature role in the nominated film Hugo. I feel he stood out in this Scorsese movie as an up and coming star!
Canines have always been steeling scenes in films since the beginning of time and there is a great many that have made their way to stardom over the years. Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, Marley, Benji just to name a few. Though Ozzie doesn't understand why there are not more Bulldogs in the movies. I agree! I can't imagine why not since they are the most photogenic breed going! Ozzie would be perfect if they did a remake of the Wizard of Oz. Though a little big in stature for the role of ToTo I think a bulldog would bring an exciting twist to the story line. After all for bulldogs there is no place like home!
Here is our best wishes for all the Oscar hopefuls on Sunday!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tail of Two Countries
Gotta love that Bulldog butt!
Now these twisted tails need some special attention. Some are so tight that they tend to get infected if not cleaned on a regular basis. We wipe Ozzie's butt and tail with unscented baby wipes after every poop session in an effort to keep the area clean. Perhaps not what most folks anticipate as part of their dog care regime but not unusual for bulldog owners! Its like caring for a three year old child for the most part but I don't mind, I don't mind one bit!
Here is another link to tail care :
Monday, February 20, 2012
Happy Presidents Day and Don't Cry Frenchie!
We are off on this Monday since its President's Day. We may do a little shopping later on... who knows! Its great to have a three day weekend! Thanks George and Abe!
The weather has been so balmy here that we took Ozzie to the park yesterday for a slow stroll around the pond. I think the Oz is still exhausted from his "work out"!
If you haven't seen it yet you should. Here is a viral video of a French Bull Dog that gets all weepy when he hears Adele sing.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Finally Friday and a Clean Start to the Weekend
We made it through another week and now look forward to the long 3 day President's weekend. Little does the Oz know he will be going for a bath this afternoon. His Pop is taking him this time so he will probably be confused to where he is going. He knows if he goes out with Mom its either the groomer or the vets! Its well over do and Ozzie is getting a bit smelly. Though to him he probably doesn't notice it one bit. He is proud of his dog stink! All I can say is that we will all breathe a lot easier this weekend!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Pekingese Power Pummels the Pack!

Ozzie could care less after the non-sporting dog competition did not yield a Bulldog as a winner. Oh well Ozzie, maybe next year!
Below is a link to the Bulldog judging. In my opinion the highlight of the show!
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Big Dog Show is Back!

How can the Bulldog not win best in show! Really, come on!
The news is dominated with stories of Whitney Houston's death a sad tragic ending to a talented individual. Though she is not the first nor will be the last celebrity plagued by alcohol and drug use that meets a premature end. Terrible but not shocking news! Prayers go out to her family.
Now on to a more cheerful topics. Tonight the Westmininster Kennel club 136th dog show premiers on the USA channel. Always exciting stuff! Tonight we can watch the non-sporting dogs which includes the English Bulldogs. It would be great to see a bulldog go the distance but not likely. Hey but you never know!
Below is the schedule of events. I know Ozzie will be watching (snoozing) from his perch on the couch! Go Bulldogs!
Monday, February 13
Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding Groups
8-9 p.m. (ET) live on USA Network
9-11 p.m. (ET) live on CNBC
Tuesday, February 14
Sporting, Working and Terrier Groups, Best In Show
8-11 p.m. (ET) live on USA Network
Breed judging highlight videos are available throughout the day on Monday and Tuesday on the Westminster Web site. These highlights will be available after the show, as well.
Monday, February 13
Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding Groups
8-9 p.m. (ET) live on USA Network
9-11 p.m. (ET) live on CNBC
Tuesday, February 14
Sporting, Working and Terrier Groups, Best In Show
8-11 p.m. (ET) live on USA Network
Breed judging highlight videos are available throughout the day on Monday and Tuesday on the Westminster Web site. These highlights will be available after the show, as well.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Finally Friday and Finally Some Snow!
Where my thoughts wander off to! A gal can dream, can't she!
If you told me last winter that I would be looking forward to a weekend snow storm I would of thought you were crazy! They are predicting snow in modest amounts, 1 - 3 inches in the tri-state area and Ozzie can't wait! I must admit I look forward to it in a funny way too, since there is no work to commute to and we haven't seen much of the white stuff this winter. As opposed to last winter when at this time we already had 60 inches of it! Ozzie will be able to wear his new fleece vest at last and I may give my new boots a whirl. Though I may just be forcing this moment of frosty glee to cover up my desire for sun and warmth which is months away! Oh well in the meantime I will get some pics of Ozzie romping in the snow to share with you this weekend and Jack Frost kicking me in the butt as I am shoveling snow!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Giants Win and Dog Commercials Rule!
Yea Giants! They did it again beating superstar quarter-back Tom Brady and the New England Patriots 21 to 17! Ozzie was fairly excited as he snoozed through much of the game but did manage to watch a few of the much anticipated commercials. His favorite was the Volkswagen commercial with the chubby dog who wants to get back into to shape so he can chase cars again! Ozzie found his exercise and weight loss regime very inspiring!
There were three other dog featured commercials last night. The Great Dane who did away with the family cat and bribed the owner with Dorritos not to rat him out! Not amusing to cats and cat lovers! Then there was the faster than lightening Mr Quigley, the French Bulldog who out ran Grey Hounds with his snappy Skechers! Though this brought out a lot of negative press from PETA and other animal rights groups that are against dog racing! I am with the same opinion that it exploits Grey Hounds and is basically a cruel sport for the animal!
Finally there was a commercial for Budweiser staring Weego the rescue dog. He was expert at fetching humans a bottle of Bud and at the same time promoting adoption of rescue dogs. That as Martha would say is "a good thing!"
Here is hoping you were happy with the outcome of last nights game if not perhaps the commercials brought a smile to your face! Oh did I fail to mention half time with Madonna...oh well!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Finally Friday and Don't Box Me In!
With that I wish you all a great weekend and as for the Superbowl enjoy the game!
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