Friday, June 28, 2013

Finally Friday and Balding Bullie

Whoa, yippee it's Friday! The weekend forecast calls for on and off thunderstorms but you gotta take the good with the bad I suppose! Nala doesn't seem to mind bad weather at all. It's always lovely in Nala-land!

This afternoon I noticed a patch of sticky fur on top of Nala's head, I started to pull hairs aside and noticed some black debris fall out. Yikes! What is that mess? A colony of fleas or flea dirt? I took her outside and started to pull away some more fur. Now it was coming out in clumps. I examined it closely in the sun and couldn't make it out to be anything in particular. I got some hand soap and a a wet towel and tried to wash the area up. What ever it was it wasn't living so ....I surmise it was some unidentified gunk she got into. Now she has a little bald spot on top of her head. Sorry there Nala, but I had to clean it up. You know what they say about hair and fur... it grows back!

Have a great weekend everyone!

"Ouch! Easy on my head will ya?!"

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