It was a busy weekend for us! We attended my brother in-laws wedding on Friday night. It was interesting and less than conventional! They had already performed the nuptials a few weeks ago in Las Vegas at the Elvis Chapel with Elvis himself administering the vows! This was kept as a secret to most of the attendees, to be revealed later on with the video of the Elvis ceremony! Surprise! They had a more traditional ceremony on Friday night with friends and family present. Well maybe not that traditional. The theme to the gathering was Renaissance period dress and yes there were more than not in some interesting attire! Even my mother-in-law was dressed in the best Maid Marion get up you ever seen. My son Will rented this brilliant costume with velvet jacket and knickers, the whole enchilada! We all had a wonderful time except for poor Ozzie who was not invited! He was a good boy however and when we got home after midnight he was waiting with his little corkscrew tail a wagging! Well back to Monday and Ozzie is working on his morning nap as I type away. God save ye a good week to thee all!