Friday, June 1, 2012

Finally Friday and Buckle Up Bullie!

Made it through another week though it was a short one! Ozzie spent most of it inside with the air conditioning on. He doesn't do weather over 80 degrees very well! 

We took Ozzie to the vet this past week for his skin infection in his "nook". He left there with 3 different types of medications and we left there a little less lighter in the wallet! He seems to be much better now but seems a bit lackadaisical. I bought him a foot long braided bully stick today and I practically had to stick it in his mouth to get him interested.  Maybe its the weather or could it be Ozzie is concerned about the recent downward trend of the stock market?! 

"I rather ride in a motorcycle side-car if you ask me!"

I wanted to share with you a recent article in our local paper about "Click it or Ticket!" The fines for an unrestrained passenger of the canine or feline persuasion range from $250.00 to $1000.00 and as much as 6 months in jail. A pretty steep fine compared to human passengers at a measly $46.00 per offense. I guess they are not pussy-footing around (sorry about the cat pun!) in New Jersey when it comes to pets free riding in cars. I feel its a good law that will help protect our pets. A 75 pound dog can make for a mighty projectile if unrestrained in a crash. Also small dogs who ride in the front on their owners lap could suffer serious injuries or worst from an airbag! Of course cats should be a in a carrier, which is the only way to transport them!  Ozzie rides in the cargo area of our Murano. Though he is confined to an extent he still is kind of loosey goosey back there. I found a website that is devoted to vehicle safety products for dogs that have a good selection of products. I have also seen safety harnesses for dogs at Petsmart and the like. Most dogs love a ride in the car with their mom and pop but we should think about their safety. After all I assume most of us buckle up ourselves and  our children so why not our pets!?

I have a feeling we won't be going anywhere this weekend which makes Ozzie happy. Hope you all have a great weekend and remember to buckle up pup!

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