Pet Peeves will be an on going post for me. It may at times have nothing to do with Ozzie or bulldogs etc! Just simply things that I find annoying times 10!
The other day I had the opportunity to go to our local Shop-Rite which is a grocery store found mostly in the northern New Jersey area. They were in the midst of their famous January can-can sale which always guarantees a madhouse! It was early and I was hoping to get some cold cuts for lunch. I approached the deli counter to find that they were serving number 21. "Hmm" I thought, "not bad, doesn't seem crowded!" As I pulled a number from the red ticket dispenser I ended up with number 41. Yikes, 20 more people to wait on! Where were they all! Probably cruising the store until their number came up!? Since I could not think of an alternate meal for lunch time I decided to stick it out there. So I set up camp armed with my cell phone and weekly circular. It was early Sunday morning so I called the only person I dared would be up and about, my brother. Of course he did not answer. I left him a message " Help I am stranded at the deli counter for at least 30 minutes. " Call me back if you can and talk me out of hitting myself over the head with a hunk of cheese!" I went on to peruse the circular for some good buys. I am not sure how much time had passed when I heard "Number 42!"I ran up to the counter hip checking some old man on the way! I have it as I waved my ticket in front of the deli clerk's face! "No you don't!" she said "you have number 41, we already called that number!" "I'm sorry I have been waiting so long I must of fell asleep!" I quipped! The deli clerk gave me a stony faced glance. Obviously she did not find the amusement in that. "Well can't you take me anyway, I was standing right here the whole time?!" "Okay' she replied dryly, "what do you want?!" I asked for a pound of turkey and shortly received a half pound. "I said one pound of turkey" didn't I? "Ok, Ok I will just give you another half pound" exclaimed the clerk in a dismissive tone. Not only do I get the privilege of standing here all day I get emotionally abused as well! She came back over to me and and asked me what else would I have. I said ONE pound of the Shop-Rite Swiss. Then she replied with a question in a Polish accent that not even a pirogi could understand. ( sorry to all my Polish friends! ) Huh...can you say that again. Once more it tumbled out of her mouth and all I understood was "cheese"! "One more time" I pleaded! She was totally frustrated with me at this point and I had wished I had just bought a package of hot dogs for lunch! As I deciphered "Shop-Rite" Swiss I just shook my head! She returned from the slicer and threw the package of Swiss onto the counter. "Anything else?" she said. Even at that moment if I did want something else it had mercifully vanished out of my head! No, no that's it! I think she sighed a bit as I walked away. I still had shopping to finish and now it was almost lunch time! I headed to the hot dog aisle. I best stock up for the next time I have to bail out at the deli counter!