Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bull Dog Days of Summer Tuesday

So summer finally put it's act together and took all of the hot weather we could of had already and gathered it up for this week. Yup a good ole heat wave is what we have in the NY/NJ area! With that comes a lot of air conditioning and folks finding ways to escape the heat! 

I don't need to tell you bulldog folks about the dangers of hot weather. We must never under estimate their low tolerance for any kind of heat and how deadly it could be. I have attached a story of a local woman who was idiot enough to leave her bulldog in a hot car with windows up while she did some of her shopping. Luckily this story had a good ending and the dog was saved by a good Samaritan that notified the police. The story isn't over and hopefully the woman will face some prosecution but she should not have this beautiful animal and I pray somehow he ends up with a knowledgeable, loving owner!


"Let's go in where it's cool!"

"Now that's much better! Go get me some ice cream human!"

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