Sunday, October 4, 2015

There is a New Season Upon us Sunday

The days are getting shorter, the evenings are cool and crisp which signals the change of seasons from baseball to football, sandals to boots....yes summer to fall. Argh! Where did the summer go to?! Well I know one bulldog who is happy over the season change. Nala much prefers the temperature of fall.

Actually seasonal changes in day light and temperature triggers hormonal changes in all mammals which alters metabolism and influences food intake. In other words it just makes bulldogs a bit more hungrier than usual. This food seeking behavior to stock up on winter fat cells may have worked for their ancestors but works against the present day bulldog.

It's hard to cut back on their food since they are such chow hounds to begin with!  I have found a great treat that Nala really enjoys that is low calorie. The brand is called "Get Naked" and they are only 24 calories a stick. Seem to be gluten free and they are chicken flavored. With as many walks we can get in a week we will try our best to keep her girlish figure in check.

Meanwhile Halloween is not far off and I still need a costume for her highness. Any suggestions?

Enjoy the change of season all my bulldog friends and my quote of the week:

"I am not a glutton. I am an explorer of food!" - Erma Bombeck

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