Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday and Winter at My Door

Old man winter is knocking at the door today. We actually had some flurries last night that coated the deck with the wintry white stuff!Luckily I found a new coat for Nala that actually fits...well kinda sort of!

A size large is too small around her belly and the X-large is too long! So I got the X-large and will have to shorten it a bit. I think she looks like a bulldog fashonista in it!

Thanksgiving is this week and we are having company for dinner. We also are having some canine guests! Tank and Harley are coming too! I am going to make a batch of pumpkin-peanut butter cookies for the pups! Below is a link to a recipe that use wheat free flours.

Here is wishing you some warm thoughts and a joyful holiday ahead!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Think About it Tuesday

Yesterday in Brick NJ a couple pleaded guilty to animal abuse in the highly publicized Justice for Sammy  the Cocker Spaniel dog abuse trial. This couple should rot in hell for their lack of humanity as far as I am concerned. The maximum sentence of 6 months in jail (if they are given that in the sentencing by the judge) is not long enough!

"The world would be a far better place if dogs ruled!"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Hunger Games Wednesday!

No one informed Nala about turning the clocks back one hour, so around 4:00 PM she starts her barking routine to let me know that she is hungry!

I guess she will get use to the new routine provided I don't cave in and wait until 5:00 PM to serve the princess her dinner!

"C'mon, don't I look hungry to you?!"

Friday, November 1, 2013

Finally Friday

Halloween was balmy and a little rainy here in the northeast, but that didn't discourage trick-or-treaters one bit! We had several dozen little ones come to our door and Nala was there to greet most.

I had a couple of back up costume changes that were not agreeable to Nala. I guess she just doesn't like dress up at all! Come to think of it neither did Ozzie. 

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Get this dumb witch hat off me!"

Oh well until next Halloween! TGIF all!