Saturday, July 6, 2024

Suddenly Saturday

 Hope everyone is enjoying the 4the of July holiday! It's hot and steamy here in the northeast as I assume it may be the case for most! 

So I found that Sylva has a hematoma in his right ear flap yesterday. I knew what it was immediately because I experienced this in the past with one of our dogs, though which one I am not sure. It is like a big bubble in the ear that is a soft mass of sorts. Though not painful though it can be sore or sensitive to the touch and it is a concern. I am not sure what led up to it, sometimes an ear infection and scratching at the ear can cause it or shaking of the head. I don't think he has ear infection but we have an appointment with the vet this week and we will see what needs to be done. This is more common with dogs who have long ear flaps. Here is a link that explains it in detail: Dog Ear Hematomas

I have ran out of space with my Google photos so I am at their mercy to increase the storage and pay them more money. Alternatively I could go and delete photos I suppose but for the sake of time I will pay them their ransom. So hopefully next time I can access my more recent pics. For now this will have to do. Remember to keep the pups cool and access to water and have a safe, enjoyable weekend.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Finally Friday and the Heat is On!

 With temps hovering in the nineties this week in the northeast everyone here is a little cranky! Going for a walk is either an early morning event or late evening. Certainly the beginning of the dog days of summer!

I am always amazed to see people walking their dogs in the middle of the afternoon. Don't they realize the risk of heat stroke is likely! Can you imagine not being able to sweat plus wearing a fur coat in this heat! I am sure most of my readers out there are aware of this but there will always be folks that are clearly ignorant of the fact that you should keep your dogs inside with the A/C and plenty of room temp water available during the midday heat! 

A plastic kiddie pool may be a good idea for some pooches to splash around in. Or a cooling mat may offer some comfort to a dog that's experiencing some over heating. Or just having a fan next to their crate or bed. 

I found a cool idea for a frozen dog treat. It consists of one cup of frozen Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup of peanut butter and 1 ripe banana. Mush it up  in a bowl or blender and put it into ice cube trays to freeze. Taste so good I would eat it!

Well folks that's all for today keep your doggies and yourselves cool and see you next week!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Finally Friday Four Years Later

 I am back! Shamefully yes it's been four years since I last post anything on my blog. Life gets busy, enthusiasm wains and laziness sets in. What can I say? I am sure there are many abandoned blogs out there in the stratosphere! Life goes on and takes it's twists and turns and here we are again.

Sylva is well and still with us. Still mastering the art of eating garbage off the street. He will be 11 this summer, which means we have had him for close to 9 years since adopting him. He is a great dog and truly man's best friend. If not my husband's best friend! While my husband whiles away working from home, Sylva is content to lie at his feet under his desk available for the occasional pat on the head or lunch tidbits that may stray his way.

 Also it's June and that means the hydrangeas are in bloom! For some reason last year they were not that spectacular as they are this year! I must say the blooms are everywhere and more vibrant than ever! 

I wanted to recommend for my fellow brachycephalic dog owners who may run into the severe dry nose syndrome. You know when their nose gets so dry pieces of it fall off! Yes yucky indeed! But surely it's uncomfortable for them as well and Sylva has been dealing with this for a while, especially more common as they age. I tried something our veterinarian recommended and it seems to be helping a bit. It's called Blissful Dog Nose Butter. You have to keep faithful in applying it but for the bit he doesn't attempt to lick off it seems to be helping, so give it a shot if your pup suffers from the crusty nose!

All right that wasn't so bad for my debut after a four year hiatus! Have a great weekend and happy Father's Day to all you dads out there of human or fur children!


Friday, September 4, 2020

Finally Friday and Street Eater

 The Friday before the Labor Day weekend is here and it is lovely outside today. You would never know from this corner of the world that there is a thing wrong! Indoor dining commences today in New Jersey  though only at 25 percent capacity! Maybe slowly we are returning to some kind of normalcy?! Fingers crossed!

Sylva just came back from his evening walk and I was told by my husband that he picked up some mystery morsel on his way! He described it as looking whitish in color He grabbed and gobbled it so quickly he didn't have a chance to pry his jaws open and reach in! Sylva always seems to find some tasty treat on his walks. I hope that with each thing he consumes that nothing will make him sick as a dog. Is this where they got the term "street food" from I wonder?! Other than that it's be an uneventful summer. One of going no where and no fun. Hoping the fall will be a turn for the better.

Still missing Nala. Guess that will always be! Hope you all are well out there. Enjoy the long weekend!

"What?! It looked like pizza crust to me!"

"I am saying ahhh!"

Here is a link to a pet poison control center. https:

Not that I have used it and I hope not to but in case your dog eats that package of Hershey bars you intended for Smores and it's after hours it may come in useful. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Summer of No Fun!

So we are still in a semi restricted state, no indoor dining, no large gatherings, masks are a must etc. etc..
Sylva is enjoying the company of his humans during the day as they work from home! I am sure in his mind this will last forever but at some point going back to working in the office will resume! The weather has been hot in Jersey and right now we are experiencing the tropical storm Isaias that is making itself know by blowing over a few trees!  A fast moving storm it will do its damage and move out of here in a couple of hours! ( We hope! )

Speaking of hot I have got to bitch a bit about folks walking their dogs in the heat of the day! Why do people decide to take a stroll with their canine companion at that time when you could do it in the early morning or in the evening? The dogs are dragging along with their tongues hitting the sidewalk and they don't notice? I am not sure if it's selfishness or stupidity?! Imagine taking a walk in 90 degree heat in a fur coat without the ability to sweat! Dogs can suffer heat stroke very quickly in high temps. Especially flat faced breed dogs like bulldogs even more so. Here is an article that explains what happens and the symptoms:

If you don't have access to a back yard and your dog really must go at high noon make it a short walk, just long enough to do ones business!

In the meanwhile take it slow, enjoy the time spent with your dog and being at home and pray that this virus will be behind us sooner than later!

"Time to take my afternoon nap as soon as I finish my morning nap!"

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May Day May Day!

So we have entered a new month of Cornona lockdown. Though I realize that New Jersey has been one of the hardest hit states with over 7,900 fatalities I am starting to get restless with the situation. Not to sound indifferent, we have friends who have been hospitalized and know of folks passing. It is serious. There has been a slowdown of cases and I pray all our social distancing has paid off and we are flattening the curve. Hopefully the warmer weather will deter the virus and a vaccine is on the horizon! There is one dog I know who wishes this was an everlasting stay at home situation! Sylva has become way to comfortable with the around the clock attention pattern! Just like all dogs I guess who are enjoying the comforts of home with their pet parents available 24/7. This made me think that now is the opportune time to adopt a dog! One would be able to be home with their new pup and help him adjust and bond! I am not sure if I could convince my husband to my way of thinking! It just may be too soon after losing Nala?

At least the weather is starting to yield to the more enjoyably pleasant! This past weekend was full all out spring time! The Lowe's was packed, respecting social distancing, with lines to the cashier all the way down the aisles! People were anxious to get out there and plant some new beginnings! Sunday we power washed the deck much to Sylva's dismay! He is leery of any hand held machinery! The power washer is one of them!

Well until we meet again, hang in there, stay well, take care of each other and enjoy the fresh air when you can! Much thanks to all the healthcare workers!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lock Down Dog

I assume most of us have been banished to our homes with limited contact to the outside world. A month ago who would of dreamed of this except in some science fiction movie?! The only member of our family who is thrilled about this is Sylva.

We were headed out on a ski vacation for a week when that and all other plans came to a screeching halt. Now with both of us working from home Sylva has the luxury of around the clock company! An extra walk during the afternoon and plenty of attention has spoiled this guy big time. What a disappointment it will be for him when we return to work!

In the meanwhile we wait for this virus to pass and life to resume some normality! Take care of each other and practice good hygiene habits and do not hoard TP, there is plenty to go around!

Be well all!

"Ah... move over you're on my spot!" 

Saturday, February 29, 2020

No Time is a Good Time

The post I find most difficult to write since the passing of my first bulldog Ozzie.....Nala passed away last week, unexpectedly.  Hard to believe she is gone. Our hearts are broke.

The couple of weeks leading up to this event found Nala healthy and her usual happy go lucky self! There were only two times in hindsight that she may have experienced the precursor of what would eventually be her demise. She had a moment where she seemed dazed and a bit off. Both times she retreated under the dining room table, her safe space. She stood under there for a anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes. Once she came out of her shelter she seemed fine! I did note it however and was going to mention it to her veterinarian when we went for her yearly check up this week.

The night prior to her passing all was good and Nala was jumping up and down when we had company that evening and then happily munched away on pizza crust, her favorite! She fell asleep on her bed, our living room couch which she had commandeered years ago. That Thursday morning at 4:45 AM my husband came downstairs on his way to his morning workout. He passed Nala on her couch and as he did so she raised her head acknowledging him and returned to her snoring. On his way back in he noticed that Nala was not on her couch. He began looking around for her, maybe she was by the back door and had to go out. He didn't find her there and checked her usual haunts when he discovered her at the end of the dining room sticking out half under half out of one of the chairs. She looked asleep...but wasn't. Frantically he woke me up at 5:45 saying "I think Nala is dead!" Our poor bullie girl was gone. It must of been quick we assume, maybe it was a stroke or her heart failed but whichever it was we hope it was painless. She looked peaceful as she laid there as we covered her up and her companion and bullie brother Sylva sniffed knowingly around the blanket.

Nala had just turned 9 years old a few days before. We had her for 7 of those years. Before that her owner was Samantha who had her as a pup. She was always loved and well taken cared of and did indeed have a wonderful life! We will miss her impish ways, her one tooth grin, her love of riding shotgun in the car and her delicate snoring. It was our privilege to have her in our lives and she gave to us more than we could give to her. Good night Nala, until we meet again on the other side of that Rainbow Bridge!

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Best Wishes for the New Year 2020

Well hello out there. Yes it's been too long since I last posted a thing or two! Nala and Sylva have been doing well. No issues to complain about. It seems during the cold weather skin irritations are minimal at best. We just had a quick visit to the vets the other day to get Sylva's rabies vaccination. Dog license renewal in town is in January and their rabies vaccine has to be up to date in order to get issued a new license for 2020. Nala's is due the end of November so since she is covered for the majority of the year she is good to go!

Personally I am glade the holiday stuff is behind us. It's always stressful, and hits the wallet hard. Though this past year wasn't too bad. We traveled a bit and had some good times with family and friends that I am very grateful for. Our health has been good which is a biggie.

If you tune into the news you are bound to see a lot of tragedy and suffering. The world can seem like a crazy place at times. I have taken the opportunity at the end of this year to contribute to a local no kill animal rescue organization. It's wasn't a lot but maybe if we all can volunteer our time or contribute a few bucks, we can put a dent into someone's suffering.

In the meanwhile I look forward to 2020, another chance to be our best selves and maybe make a difference in some small way!

Health, happiness to all!

Happy New Year from Nala & Sylva!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Almost Friday and a Turn for the Best!

Another week has flown by and Halloween is literally around the corner! I haven't thought much about costumes for Nala and Sylva this year since they have proven to be not big fans of wearing them! Nala just refuses to have anything on her head and gives me the stink eye when I approach her with something slightly resembling a costume. However our first bulldog Ozzie was less fussy with the dressing up thing, I think he thought himself quite dapper when he donned his pirate costume one year! Argh good ole Ozzie boy!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    o                                                                      Sylva has recovered quite well from his recent skin infection. I am not sure if it's a change in the weather or whatever allergens that lurk about but when he get's it, it's bad!
His belly turns a scarlet red and crusty bumps appear randomly on his back and sides. A visit to the vet was necessary. She put him on a course of anti-biotics and we were sent home with some medicated shampoo and instructed to bathe him 2 to 3 times a week. We have been hauling him off to the local Pet Plus and making use of their do it yourself dirty dog special. Five washes for $25.00! All of our scrubbing and adding an essential oil that our vet gave us, Melaleuca  oil, more commonly known as tea tree oil, has paid off! I have also been giving him an allergy supplement that contains probiotics, omegas and colostrum. 

So now that he is all better I am sure it's Nala's turn for something !! Be well all!

                                                            Syl tolerating the tub!                       

Sunday, October 6, 2019

A wonderful weekend is coming to a close. Tomorrow Monday rears it's ugliness upon us but at least the doggies got out for a bit and enjoyed some fall weather. Nothing spells happiness like a ride in the car with the wind flowing through your jowls!

Have a good week friends!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Happy Fall Y'All!

Yes it's here, the first day of autumn! Though by the thermometer in my car you wouldn't guess it!

A sign of global warming? Maybe! A hot day in September...…..heck yeah!

Have a good week folks, get back at you soon!